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What is a "Leaky Gut"and do you have one?

Dr. Julie Schleusner


Are you wondering if you might have a “leaky gut”? 


Curious about what causes “leaky gut” and why it matters? 


These are important questions that come up often in the office.


Early in my career, over 25 years ago, the concept of leaky gut (also known as Intestinal Permeability) wasn’t widely accepted in the healthcare community. Research suggested it was possible, but reliable tests weren’t readily available for doctors and patients.


Fast forward to today, and I have only two words: HOLY COW, is it common!


Testing is now widely accessible, and it’s clear that leaky gut is a prevalent issue. Nowadays, if someone asks if they might have leaky gut, my answer is an almost definite "Yes," especially if they’re experiencing health problems.


So, what exactly is LEAKY GUT?


From your mouth to your “other end,” your digestive tract is one long, continuous tube about 30-32 feet in length. As food travels through this tube—first being broken down, then mixed into a paste, and finally having nutrients extracted—NOTHING should be absorbed into the body until it is granted entry by the guards in your gut lining.


To make it clear, as they said in the Wizard of Oz, “not nobody, not no how” gets in without permission. No undigested food particles, bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Nothing.


Unless there’s a breach.


The usually very tight spaces between the cells can start to “gap,” allowing too much space between them. Or even worse, unwanted things can start to pass right through some cells. The gut is starting to leak just like a garden hose. Then all these unwanted intruders can pass directly into your body and cause havoc. This chaos can lead to significant inflammation which can lead to arthritis, heart disease, autoimmunity, dementia, weight gain, and hormone issues. YIKES!


So, how does the body get rid of these intruders once they’re inside, circulating around your heart, organs, and brain? It has to rely on the immune system to clean up the mess. This is a massive burden. It’s tough to resolve any health concern if the gut is leaky because more “junk” keeps coming in faster than it can be managed. Imagine your boat is taking on more water than you can bail out. (Think Titanic-sized problems!)


Want to find out if you might have this problem? Call our office to set an appointment, and we can discuss which tests are most appropriate for you.


Knowing gives you certainty and a plan. Guessing leaves you lost in a jungle of confusion and possibilities.


Hope this offers some insight and answers some questions for you!


Dr. Julie


P.S. Wondering WHY leaky gut could ever happen??

Stay tuned for PART 2: What causes leaky gut and how you can prevent it.


P.S.S. Know someone who has questions about Leaky Gut? Please share this post!


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