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Image by Simon Migaj

Holistic Chiropractic Care in Chino Valley, AZ

NEW Patients - Click Here to Schedule your

20-minute Consultation

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered

Looking for clarity, direction, and a plan?

  • Frustrated with the lack of answers from your doctor?

  • Are you tired?  Head foggy?  Bloated?  Constipated?  Hormonal?  Not sleeping well?

  • Do you sometimes think that food is to blame, but you're unsure which one?


  • Have you "played" with your diet to see if that affects how you feel?


  • Uncertain what to do?

Watch Here to Learn More

We offer

Complimentary 20-Minute Preliminary Consultations

Our office is unique and specialized.

We use a comprehensive and holistic approach to restore and improve health through dietary and nutritional modifications.

Dr. Julie only accepts patients for care whom she truly believes she can help.  During your Complimentary 20-minute Consultation you can discuss what's on your mind.  If your concerns are within Dr. Julie's area of expertise, a New Patient appointment will be scheduled.  If they aren't, she'll help point you in the right direction to get the answer you're looking for. 


Patient testimonials

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Before I started seeing Dr. Julie at Big Sky Wellness Center I thought that shoulder and back pain was just me. I had hormone imbalance, was tired a lot and lacked proper nutrition. I didn’t know any better! After getting the pleasure of meeting Dr. Julie, I started on a daily  schedule of vitamins/supplements. I have more energy, no shoulder pain and my mood is consistent! I really didn’t know that it was that simple to be a better version of myself with the support of whole food supplements and Dr. Julie’s expertise! I’m thankful I found Big Sky Wellness Center when I did! 
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